March's Page from the Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

After years of being vigilant, COVID came to our home. Anne and I are well and I thank you for your ministry while I was away. We have been doing ministry in new ways for years, so again, I had no doubt the congregation would step up. When there is opportunity to proclaim Christ, this community of faith always steps up. Thanks be to God!

I share with you some odds and ends.

As I write, I am wondering if we will be having Ash Wednesday worship on Ash Wednesday as a storm is on the way! If not, there is always next Wednesday. Adjustments abound. 

Covid stimulus checks are no more, which means many who are in dire need of that money for food are looking elsewhere for help. Our expanded Super Bowl of Caring initiative (see Epistle Update) was a help as our Local Benevolence Team encouraged us to give out of abundance. The need in Northern Door County remains great. If you are able, remember to bring canned food each time you worship as a part of your offering. Also, Clarence and Mary Anne Scherer are looking for help with this ministry as they will be out of town from time to time. If you can help, contact them or the Church Office.

We continue to follow any news concerning what will happen to Good Samaritan Scandia Village. For sale, no buyer has yet to come forward. We know Scand is an essential part of this larger community. I pray daily for someone to come forward to take the mantle of leadership for this ministry of health and healing. 

The larger Church, including the Lutheran Church, continues to change in numbers of congregations, number of leaders including clergy and ways in which congregations are sharing ministry in these challenging times. The Gospel continues to be proclaimed. St. Paul Lutheran Church continues to do the ministry to which we have committed ourselves and we continue to challenge ourselves to grow that ministry for the sake of neighbors in Christ.   


Pastor Frank Kauzlarich